An Ultimate FAQ Guide for Bathroom Vanity

Renovating a bathroom is the goal of many people when first buying or living in their home for a few years, and doing so is definitely a solid move to add to the look and subsequent value of your property. However, saying you want to renovate and envision exactly what you’ll be removing and replacing it, and actually doing the subsequent construction work are two different beasts entirely. In the actual practice of doing work, choosing what to replace or include and installing it correctly is critical to understanding how to move forward.

Fixtures and fittings make up the bulk of most bathrooms and are usually fairly neutral spaces. Most will include at least a toilet, bath or shower fixture, and a bathroom vanity, and while the salesperson you source the fixtures and other supplies from should be able to answer any initial questions you may have, they will often leave things in slightly incomprehensible places know the common layman’s terms. That’s why we’ve put together this quick Q&A on the most frequently asked questions about selecting, ordering, and installing a new bathroom vanity.

1. What is a Bathroom Vanity?

Almost everyone uses the colloquial names we use to know about a particular fixture or fitting, the toilet is a toilet, the sink is a sink, etc. However, part of any sales process is demonstrating your product knowledge to customers, and one way to do this is to use industry-specific terminology to show your prospects that you know your product. Calling a tap is fine, but if you say the word “tap” to a professional contractor, he’ll have a thousand different variations running through his head, and your instructions haven’t made it any clearer to him that you want to be on your What to put in the bathroom. Do you want a single or double tap? It is this difference that can lead to endless confusion.

It’s no surprise that one of the most frequently asked questions when starting a new renovation is “what the hell is a dresser?”. The answer is not as weird and foreign to your bathroom as you might imagine, it’s not some funky new design quirk, the vanity is just a name given to the unit where your sink and other related items live. Basically, any unit design that houses a sink, no matter how modern or traditional the design is, is called a bathroom vanity, now that you have this simple explanation, I’m sure you can imagine 100 different designs your seen in life.

2. Why is Vanity Important?

Aside from the obvious reason to lift your sink off the floor, a vanity can also help you hide ugly, unsightly pipes leading to and away from your sink. A vanity can also help you transform a standard toilet and bathroom combination into a fully cohesive design that fits the style and overall aesthetic of not just the bathroom, but the entire house. Best of all, your vanity adds extra storage space to help you organize and simplify things in your bathroom, while also serving as another focal point in a room that’s notorious for lacking these distinctive features. As mentioned earlier, no matter the size and design of your bathroom, you can find a vanity to suit almost any space, with a wide variety of styles, sizes, and shapes.

Of course, unless you plan to have a freestanding sink, this should be one of the first places you start when choosing matching fixtures and fittings to give your bathroom that cohesive and streamlined look that is so popular. Of course, not only are there different aesthetic designs to choose from but there are also some practical considerations and options when choosing the type of vanity for your bathroom space.

3. Is It Difficult To Install The Bathroom Cabinet?

As with any refurbishment project, this is not a one-size-fits-all issue, and while a certain level of knowledge and stamina is required to undertake any construction project, it is far from the most intimidating project to plan, however, it is always recommended, if you are not confident in carrying out the work yourself, seek professional advice.

4. What Types Of Dressers Are There?

Bathroom vanities come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and designs, each with different features and functions. This means that your choice should not be based solely on aesthetics, but also on which additional features of your personal vanity will spice up your bathroom.

Here is a list of some of the different types of vanities that are worth considering when redesigning your bathroom space:

1) Dressing Table

The dresser is self-explanatory as it functions like a normal dresser, but it also has built-in cabinets to give you more storage space. For this reason, these are by far the most popular vanity options, and people always seem to want more storage space in their bathrooms. Still, a vanity cabinet will be a solid choice, if a bit conservative. Available in a variety of sizes, sink sizes, and double sink models, they effortlessly complement any space they are added to, both in design and practicality.

2) Round Bathroom Cabinet

For those with severe space constraints or looking for a clean or minimalist design in their bathroom, round bathroom vanities are a good idea to consider. These are usually designed not to be much larger than the basin unit, which means that in theory, if you can fit the chosen basin in the intended space, the vanity will also fit. These are also a good option for those looking to do the building work themselves and want to opt for a relatively simple fixture for installation, as their light design round bathroom cabinets are perfect for this,

3) Cloakroom Dresser

These types of dressers are known as ” cloakroom dressers ” because they are designed for extremely small (hence the name cloakroom section) or other spaces where space for a dresser is challenging. They are often small and streamlined to make them a viable option in these tight spaces. These fixtures are also suitable for ultra-sleek and minimalist designed bathrooms where large, bulky fixtures are a no-no. Many cloakroom dressers feature built-in cabinets (though naturally smaller than vanity cabinets) to balance their minimalist and space-saving design with a degree of practicality.

4) Double Vanity

Double-unit vanities are called such instead of their single-unit vanity cousins, and they contain one outlet for two sink basins instead of one. They also contain a “dual-unit” cabinet at the bottom, which will significantly increase your bathroom’s storage capacity. Now, when weighing the need for a Double Unit, it depends on many factors. The first is whether you have the necessary space required for the device itself. Just because two sinks could theoretically fit on the surface of that space doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have room for a vanity that fits them. The second is the water pressure in the bathroom, and doubling the number of faucets will naturally require some level of plumbing modification in order to minimize the impact on water pressure in the bathroom. A third often-forgotten consideration is whether you really need a second sink.

5) Square Dresser

Square vanities, like round ones, are a great option when you want storage but don’t have much room. While larger than round dressers, they also offer more storage space and greater interior volume on average, making them a solid middle ground between round and full-size dressers.

6) Corner Dresser

Another entry on this list where the cues are so important in the name, Corner Vanities are designed and modeled to fit, yes, corners! For overall host or reasons, this may be a practical decision. If your bathroom is particularly small, or if the walls have an irregular layout, there may not be any walls that fit or are large enough for your vanity. In this case, sacrificing a corner of the bathroom might be a wiser, more practical decision than trying to force a vanity where it doesn’t fit. This could be for practical or aesthetic reasons, but the point remains, corner dressers are still a great option for those with limited space or those looking to create an ultra-minimalist space.

7) Freestanding Dresser

Freestanding vanities generally sit independently of the floor to create a smaller, more inclusive design. Standing vertically, they’re a really versatile option, sometimes incorporating cabinet space and sometimes shelving space for bathroom cleaning products, meaning you’ll have to make up for space potential lost elsewhere. The term “freestanding” is a fairly general phrase that can refer to a variety of sizes, shapes, and finishes.

5. How To Choose The Right Type Of Dressing Table?

Ultimately it comes down to three key factors. space, function, and aesthetics. While these will be key questions you’ll be asking yourself when using most accessories in your bathroom, they’re especially important when it comes to vanities, which are a slightly less important space after basic items like bathtubs, showers, and toilets. items. After all, it’s no use sacrificing the quality of your overall bathroom just because your heart is set on a particular vanity that may not meet your space requirements as well as another.

6. What Material Should My Dresser Be Made Of?

The bathroom vanities we’ve discussed come in all different shapes, sizes, and designs, and they also come in a variety of materials and finishes, from natural and traditional hardwood and granite finished units to minimalist and contemporary chrome and porcelain Dressing tables, a wide variety of styles make them extremely versatile fixtures. No matter what material, color, or style you choose for your bathroom space, you can be guaranteed to find the perfect vanity. There are several factors to consider when choosing the material from which to make your dressing table.

First, aesthetics will naturally play a large role in your decision, but there are also issues like shipping and installation to consider. Ordering a huge two-unit hardwood and granite top dresser is all well and good, but if you’re doing the work yourself, the practicality of moving and installing it as a one-person job can make things right. Also consider that on the other end of the spectrum, cheaper materials can also have the side effect of having a shorter lifespan and being less durable overall.

7. How Much Space Do I Need Between My Toilet And Vanity?

This is an often overlooked issue and its absence is the downfall of many bathroom renovations, planning out the exact layout and making sure everything in the bathroom not only looks good but also leaves enough room for what is needed. Generally speaking, the vanity table and sink need to be at least 21 cm from the front of the toilet, but the recommended optimal distance is about 30 cm. After all, you don’t want to have to go up and down the toilet yourself every time you need to go. When in doubt, it’s best to consult your supplier or contractor (if you’re working with one) to make sure your options are practical for the space you have.

8. How Do You Fit A Vanity Unit To A Basin/How Do You Install A Vanity Unit?

Now, while you may not have gone through the actual steps of installing a vanity, it’s important to understand exactly how the job is done and what steps, materials, and tools are needed to do it effectively. This means you can schedule and purchase all of this necessary equipment and fit it into your schedule for the rest of the bathroom work (if any) you’re getting done. It is also important to know what is required of you on delivery day and exactly how many people are required for this task so that you can plan appropriately and leave as few variables as possible.

Ultimately, if you are performing work on your behalf, it is also important to understand this so that you can understand exactly what you are being charged, assess whether the offer you have received for this work is reasonable, taking into account the time and effort involved and with your The best way for contractors to organize work together while minimizing disruption to your daily life. Maintaining good communication with your contractors is an absolute must, as doing so will not only give them a better understanding of your end goals but will inevitably make their jobs easier and your life more bearable, At the same time, potentially damaging aspects of the renovation have been completed.

1) How To Remove The Old Basin

Ideally, the removal of the old vanity and sink unit needs to be completed before the new delivery date to ensure the transition can be a streamlined and hassle-free process. While you might think it’s as simple as bringing back the old equipment with any heavy items, you need to be careful not to damage anything important during the removal process.

The first step is to make sure the main’s water connection is closed via the cock on the mains and make sure the hot and cold water outlets are removed from the old taps. Then remove the screws on the basin from your old dresser (if you are replacing an existing unit) and use a craft knife or other sharp tool to carefully remove the caulking around the basin, being careful not to injure yourself, which will Come over it should be possible to remove the pot and unit from the wall.

2) How To Prepare For Shipment

As with most fixtures and fittings in a new bathroom, delivery or collection is the first stage of the journey. If your property is isolated or difficult to locate, make sure you provide the supplier with detailed and accurate delivery instructions, including any helpful landmarks or tips.

The next step is to make sure your delivery driver knows exactly which part of the house the unit will be delivered to. Is it upstairs or downstairs? Apartment or house? How many flights of stairs are there between this road and the final destination? These are everything your delivery driver needs to efficiently plan the delivery of your new dresser to its intended destination.

Once your delivery drivers know exactly what they’re up against, it’s important to make sure the path between their vehicle and their final destination in your home is clear and free of any potential congestion or confusion so they can be safe. Efficiently transport cargo units through your home.

3) How To Arrange Your New Dresser

First, to ensure the new unit is placed correctly, it is useful to measure the wall the unit will be placed against and mark the wall accordingly with a pencil. This will give you an idea of ​​exactly how the unit will fit into the bathroom and provide a visual aid when moving it into place. It’s important to realize that you may need to drill new holes in the back of the unit or enlarge pre-existing holes to fit the pipe, so make sure you have a fully charged, quality drill ready to go. Make sure any drilled holes are sanded smooth, then proceed to move the unit into place, making sure the fittings are flush with the wall and don’t protrude in any way.

4) How To Install A New Dresser

Now that you have everything in place, it’s time to permanently install and secure everything into place. Take the time to make sure all the pipes are flush with the pre-drilled holes and correct them, if there is a mismatch, find the studs inside the wall and make sure to screw the unit into those studs. When you are happy with all of this and the storage unit is in place you need to put the sink in place, make sure you have the mixer and waste line in place before doing this to make your life easier.

5) How To Seal And Test A Sink

Once everything is mounted and secured, it’s time to use riveting to seal the unit. Once you are satisfied that the unit is sealed and properly secured, it’s time to test the pipes and sink by running the mixer faucet uninterrupted for a few minutes to ensure water flows through the faucet uninterrupted and keep looking around all the pipes to make sure there are no leaks. Assuming nothing goes wrong, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

9. Conclusion

Ultimately, your choice of vanity will be based on a number of different factors, which materials you prefer, the overall style of your bathroom space, and of course your budget and how much you want to spend. It’s easy to get over-excited and envision something that might be completely out of your budget or even impossible to install at all. Our advice is that before undertaking any work or purchasing any unit or fixture, consult a professional bathroom designer or an experienced and qualified contractor who can give you proper advice and plan for the work you need to undertake.

Although a bathroom renovation can add value to your home, it’s worth remembering that having a fixed budget from the start will help you develop smart and realistic plans that can then be executed with ease. Always try to use Occam’s Razor (a problem-solving principle that “entities should not be multiplied unless necessary.”) to determine if you really need a particular vanity, or if you’re obsessed with having it ideal.

Other than that, our final piece of advice is to always make sure you are working with a reliable and experienced contractor, make sure they hold all the necessary licenses and registrations with professional bodies before agreeing to any work and always make sure to get in order to compare prices and various offers from the company. You can check out the merchant here. Finally, no matter how reasonable the offer is, you should try to see pictures and examples of their previous work. Anyone unwilling or unable to do so should be treated with suspicion, in which case another company might be better off.

Do not be pressured or coerced into accepting an offer and agreeing to work on the spot, always take the time to properly consider an offer, and should not tolerate or give in to any signs of a so-called “hard sell”.

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